Lemon grass

  • Aroma Oil 480ml

    250.00 AED

    Discover the essence of luxury with our Aroma Oil, a masterfully crafted blend of premium ingredients designed to captivate your senses. With its rich, long-lasting fragrance, this exquisite oil effortlessly transforms any space into a sanctuary of elegance and serenity. Perfect for both professional scenting systems and personal use, each drop is infused with the power to evoke cherished memories, inspire tranquility, and elevate your everyday moments into something truly extraordinary.

  • Aroma Oil 170ml

    150.00 AED

    Price doesn’t include (5% Vat)

    Unveil the art of fragrance with our Aroma Oil. Expertly blended with premium ingredients, this oil delivers a rich, long-lasting aroma that transforms any space into a haven of elegance. Ideal for professional scenting systems or personal use, each drop is crafted to evoke memories, inspire tranquility, and elevate everyday experiences.


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